jueves, 15 de mayo de 2008

Babies… it’s all related!

Two days ago our country woke up hearing something horrible: a couple killed at home their newborn with nothing but a scissor, just hours after the baby was born. I think we all agree: far from what this legally means, this is beyond any sort of understanding by any “common” person.

Today the government’s office for children (SENAME) made a public call to everyone in order to “consider adoption” when it comes to non – wished – pregnancies. The woman who killed her baby is 18 years old… technically an adult! Some may say that. I dare to think that in this case, it may not be entirely accurate to say that. I don’t know her, and probably never will, but when it comes to babies, it’s all related.

I’ve never been pregnant, but we all know what’s it all about: changes. Your body, the amounts of hormones inside you, and many other things that biology experts and people who’s been through motherhood know way better than me.

Changes. In order to accept them, and embrace the one that’s coming, we should all be able to plan when and with whom do we want it to happen. But it’s never been like that. The when and the who, are almost always apart: people become mothers too young, or maybe too old, or with the wrong person, or whatever… even worse when someone has been raped.

Lately our Constitutional Court has prohibited the famous “day after pill”, because it MAY BE an abortion system. I’ve studied law, and not biology, and that’s something these judges have forgotten. Please don’t get me wrong: I don’t support abortion! I think there’s no difference between killing a baby outside the uterus with a scissor, and killing a fetus. Anyway, I’ve dedicated some time – and lots of patience – in order to search some information about the “day after pill”, and it turns out that – if taken correctly – it doesn’t have an abortive effect.

So, our Constitutional Court has forbidden the government to give the pill for free in our public health system but, paradoxically, it can be bought at any pharmacy. So the constitutional right to live is expensive… more than the constitutional right to equality. Curious, huh?

Well. Adoption is what’s considered the best in these cases. I have to say I deeply admire those women who do that. They are like heroines, carrying their children inside them for nine moths, and then giving them away so that they can have a better future, with people that really want them. But can we demand that to all women who are pregnant, and didn’t wanna be? The classical example is pregnancies that are a product of sexual abuse. Can we demand that they carry their babies for nine months, so that later they can give them up for adoption? This is one “ethically complicated case” our Constitutional Court has put us in. I don’t have the answer, and whoever does have it, I’d like to know, because when it comes to babies… it’s all related!

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