domingo, 5 de octubre de 2008

What i think of Sarah Palin

I guess I admire this woman. Until a certain point, clearly... in spite of her SUPER HIPER MEGA ULTRA conservative ideas, she's managed to gain a spot in a place where only men play.

During the debate against J. Biden, she stood up well (not great, clearly), and did way better than anyone else thought she would.

As you can figure out, i don't agree with many things she proposes or thinks, because it takes away a lot more from the people from "the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave"... it's no longer the land of the free, that's clear. And i think she's about to take away the part of the brave as well.

Anyway no one thought she'd last the entire debate on her feet, and that's a good thing for her. But anyone could realize that many of her ideas were common thoughts during the medieval age, and that's something to worry about because if McCain gets chosen with her by his side, clearly evolution (one thing she is against teaching) will no longer be such thing.

I keep thinking about Hegel's theory about history: it's a circle... and God know how it worries me.

What do you think? I think medieval age is for castles and princesses =)

Aretha Franklin would sing "FREEDOM"...

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